Category: Ramblings of my mind.

  • On writing and not writing

    On writing and not writing

    Inactivity in life leads to more inactivity leading to further uselesssness and further hopelessness in life. By inactivity I don’t mean a day or two of languid leisure,whatI mean is an endless strech of unknown happenings. For a very long while now,  longer than weeks and months, longer than I’d…

  • On writing and not writing

    Inactivity in life leads to more inactivity leading to further uselesssness and further hopelessness in life. By inactivity I don’t mean a day or two of languid leisure,whatI mean is an endless strech of unknown happenings. For a very long while now,  longer than weeks and months, longer than I’d…

  • Shoulders

    I haven’t read a few pages in ten days Haven’t looked at the books in a long time No paperbacks, no hardcovers,  No ebooks, no audiobooks. I haven’t sat down to drink a glass of water in peace I forget the taste of coffee I gulp it down, hot and…

  • Dear Neel #11

    It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you…. sorry. Let’s not make it a professional disappointment letter. But truth be told my heart is heavy today. As heavy as it has been in a decade. And that is saying something, is it not? I realize I…

  • Dear Neel #10

    Dear Neel #10

    It’s been longer than I intended it to be and I am sorry about that. But again, considering my last sentence again, I feel like I have nothing to be sorry about, it was just that life took its toll again and I just couldn’t deal with words anymore. However,…

  • Dear Neel #9

    Oh! this month has been eventful, not really back to normal but eventful. I have written more this month than I might have written in the whole of last year. I don’t know if it is a general excitement of my exaggeration or not, I really don’t know, I haven’t…

  • Dear Neel #8

    Dear Neel #8 It has been good to be writing again. Yes, can you believe that I have started writing again, some poetry, one short story, and one draft of an entire novel? I don’t know what to call it, because it is nothing but a gist of ideas, but…

  • Dear Neel #7

    I am finally out of my reading slump. I am reading sweet books. Happy books. Yes. I am better health wise. I am taking things slow, not pushing myself to my extremes, and I am, for the first time trying not to care much about every single thing that I…

  • Dear Neel #6

    Dear Neel I can’t believe this is just the sixth letter I am writing to you. It feels like I have been writing you for ages, telling you undeserved stories and keeping you up to date with my goings on. Not that I hate any of it, but I thought…