Dear Neel #10

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It’s been longer than I intended it to be and I am sorry about that. But again, considering my last sentence again, I feel like I have nothing to be sorry about, it was just that life took its toll again and I just couldn’t deal with words anymore. However, I am sorry that I couldn’t be with you again until right now. But does it really matter? Does it really matter to you?

Anyway, it has been scorching here these past few months. The rains last night were a breezy wanted relief. And yet it feels gloomy. I mean aren’t rains supposed to be dreamy and romantic? But all I feel is that rains make life more dreary, you can’t just go out at random, there are clothes hanging around unnecessarily, there is no sunshine and then there is lack of activity. There is surrender to calmness and stagnation. Where is romantic in here? Why has rain been romanticized often?

You’d tell me am I here to crib again about rains now. But I don’t know why I am here. Rains were necessary. They are here. But so am I. And you aren’t. So what am I supposed to do if not to write to you and tell you the same things again and again? It is not like we can share a cup of coffee while you sit in front of me, so what else am I supposed to do. I’ll tell you what I did though. I wrote a short story and entered it into a writing competition. I don’t know if it is any good though. But what did I have to lose, right? It’s there online. You can read it if you like or you have the time. You can also help me by rating my story there or leave a short review, or share it among your friends? I don’t know if you are interested in it though. Shall I send you the link? Is it too much to ask for?

Anyways, about that coffee. The thought is good though. You, coffee, me, here, but that is all that is, a thought, a dream. You aren’t here. You don’t miss me, do you?

Apparently I do.

As always,


Read the short story here:

Read More: Dear Neel #9

2 responses to “Dear Neel #10”

  1. paeansunplugged Avatar

    Mou, what a heart-wrenching story! 💔

    Liked by 1 person

  2. calmkate Avatar

    Punam said it well, heart-wrenching … left my heart and comment over there!

    Thanks for the coffee 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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